WHAT better way to enrich our Year 3 pupils’ studies of the Maya civilization and their links with chocolate than with ‘Artistry in Cocoa’ workshops!

As part of their current topic, the children have been looking at the book, ‘The Chocolate Tree – A Mayan Folktale’. Our Year 3 Teaching Team invited Cheryl Brighty, founder of the Newmarket-based company, Artistry in Cocoa, along to King’s Ely Junior on March 11th to show the children how chocolate is actually made.

Every pupil got to make their own chocolate slab with Mayan hieroglyphs ‘painted’ on. They also learnt more about the origins of chocolate and its links with the Maya; they tasted foods that the Maya would have grown and eaten, such as mango and avocado; they drew their own cocoa pods; and they even worked on some Mayan maths.

Thank you so much for your time Cheryl, we had a blast!

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