Memories came flooding back to a group of our Year 13 leavers when they visited King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep!

The special rendezvous was organised during the final week of term, for those students who are at the end of their King’s journey to come together and reminisce about where their education began – Acremont House.

Students who took the trip down memory lane were: Robert Allan, Bertie Whymark, Daniel Millard, Elliot Bord, Alice Wallace, Daniel Kember, Dominic Illsley, Ella Stevens, Connor Marshall, and Ben Collier.

The Year 13s’ arrival just happened to coincide with playtime for Reception, Year 1, and Year 2, and as these photos show, our youngest Eleans were in their element having our eldest Eleans on their turf; bombarding them with questions, hugs, and requests to play!

Year 13s explored the new tree house and hobbit hut, they played football and ‘duck, duck, goose’ with their younger friends, they caught up with some of their old teachers, including Mrs Hunt and Mrs Monk, and they visited the classrooms in which they were taught over a decade ago. The students all commented on how low the classroom ceilings were, which proved to be particularly challenging for 6ft 5in, Connor.

This lovely little event highlights so much about what makes King’s unique. We are so much more than a school. We are a community, a family. We take each child on a seamless journey, travelling from one section to the next, whilst welcoming newcomers at key transition stages, providing support and adapting the offering to the needs of every child in our care.

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