People of all ages across the UK have been honouring National Poetry Day today (October 5th), including students and staff at King’s Ely Prep, Senior and Sixth Form!

The annual celebration is held on the first Thursday of October, and its aim is to encourage everyone to make, experience and share poetry with family and friends. The theme this year is ‘Refuge’.

Our Library Team love any excuse to salute all things reading and books, so they went to town with National Poetry Day displays and incentives to encourage pupils and staff to get perky about poetry.

Pupils in Years 3 to 13 have also been taking part in Poésíæ – the first global Modern Foreign Language poetry competition. Some students chose to recite a poem in French, German or Spanish, whilst others are illustrating their interpretation of the poem. Our winners will be announced at the end of this half term, and the two finalists from each year group will be entered into the global competition.

In Senior School, Hayley Pienaar, who is one of our English Teachers, shared a ‘Padlet’ showcasing lots of teachers’ favourite poems, which staff then read and discussed with their classes throughout the school day. In Prep School, English Teachers in all year groups enjoyed sharing poems with their classes, all of which tied in with the Refuge theme in a variety of ways.

We have had oodles of poetry learning and fun today, all ahead of our action-packed ‘Festival of Reading’ next week!

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