KING’S Ely Sixth Form student Tom Oldham was able to witness an historic judgement in the Supreme Court thanks to an exciting work experience placement.

Tom, 18, recently spent a week in Parliament after securing a placement with British Conservative Party politician Christopher Heaton-Harris, who has been the MP for Daventry since May 2010, and was previously a Member of the European Parliament for the East Midlands from 1999 to 2009.

Tom, who hopes to become an MP himself and who is currently studying A Levels in Geography, History and Politics at King’s Ely, said: “It was a really interesting week in Parliament with the Supreme Court Brexit judgement. Before going to Parliament on the Tuesday I managed to get into the Supreme Court for the live judgement and it was great to be there on such an historic occasion. I then saw the Brexit Statement in the House of Commons before doing some work in the office. In the afternoon I sat in on an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) meeting on Russia with the UK’s Ambassador to Russia. During the rest of the week, I was also lucky enough to see Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and ex-PM and current UN Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown give evidence to Select Committees as well as seeing debates in the Commons and the Lords.”

Tom, who lives in Ely and hopes to study Politics and International Relations at the University of Reading, added: “I also went to a private meeting with Baroness Sayeeda Hussain Warsi, Sir Alan Duncan and other Lords and MPs to speak to the UK’s Ambassador to Uzbekistan, which was especially interesting. I had a great week which I hope to follow up later this year.”

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