Personal Development provides students with information, skills and attributes to navigate the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that they currently face and will encounter in the future. It includes Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and careers education, so that students are helped to remain healthy and safe in the real and virtual world and to prepare for life and work, wherever they end up.

In Years 9 to 11, Personal Development expands on topics that have been explored in previous years and is presented through a programme of workshops and lectures that are delivered by staff and visiting speakers. These fall under the broad themes of health and wellbeing, relationships, and living within the wider world. Some of the sessions focus on careers education and employability and there are opportunities for students to attend careers fairs, to gain work experience and to receive independent careers advice and guidance. Personal Development continues into the Sixth Form, focusing on what will be of practical use to students as they look ahead to life after King’s Ely.

Personal Development is a school-wide endeavour. Parts of its curriculum are covered in that of other departments and a valuable contribution is made by the pastoral and tutorial system in school, which provides a very high level of personalised knowledge and care and a suitable environment for treating a number of issues such as bullying, staying safe and global inequality. At its heart is the task of equipping our students to venture out into the world ready to lead fulfilled and generous lives.