In which year group did you join King’s?

I joined King’s Ely Sixth Form in Year 12.

What A-Level grades did you achieve?

Russian – A*, German – B, Maths – C.

What University/Institution are you going to and what will you be studying?

I am going to Sheffield University and I will be studying Economics, Modern Languages and Cultures.

Are you going to University this year, or are you taking a gap year?

I am going to University this year.

What career path do you plan on pursuing?

I would like to be a teacher, but we will see!

What else did you participate in during your time at King’s?

I studied at King’s for only two years, and I was an international student who had problems with English at first, so unfortunately I was not able to try everything. However, I still think that I participated in a lot of things! I was an actress in ‘Medea’, and I participated in Drama Enrichment, where we ran Drama Workshops with children at schools in the Ely area. In Year 13, I became the Charity Prefect in Hill House, and in terms of that, I organised a Dance Masterclass, which raised around £80. I was also part of the school magazine team, and backstage manager for the musical, ‘Legally Blonde’. Moreover, in Year 13 I was German Language Assistant for Year 7, and also I was teaching my first language as part of the Language Leader Award.

Do you feel that you have been well supported at King’s?

Definitely! As it was my first experience of studying abroad without my family, I was quite scared and homesick, but everyone – teachers, all other staff, and students were so supportive. I was also very well supported due to the current situation in my country. I would like to say thank you to everyone for being so kind to me.

What will you miss most about King’s and what did you enjoy most during your time here?

I will miss everything about King’s – lessons, breaks between them, trips, lunch times, but I will miss the people at King’s the most. I am very happy that I have met them, and I hope that we will keep in touch.

In what ways do you think King’s is unique or special compared to other schools?

King’s is a unique school because there is such a kind atmosphere. Everyone is open to communication.

Describe King’s in three words!


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