KING’S Ely Junior’s Year 6 thespians have been in their element unleashing their creative sides in Improvisation Club!

Alexandra Moxon, Director in Residence at King’s Ely, said: “One of their favourite activities involved beginning with a pose, receiving a random scenario and then the task of bringing the scene to life from their wacky and original poses!

“The exercise has developed their confidence, their creativity and their courage when undertaking the somewhat daunting task of improvising in front of their peers. One of the important aspects of improvisation, which is often overlooked, is the emphasis on team work and focus when listening and accepting other people’s ideas. It more broadly teaches skills of kindness and respect for other people’s thoughts and suggestions, truly valuable skills that will be useful in all areas of their future lives, school years and careers.

“This incredibly excitable and enthusiastic group have met every challenge along the way!”

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