Our King’s Ely Acremont Pre-Prep pupils adore their Forest School sessions!

The children do not have to venture too far to enjoy the activities either, as Acremont has its own wonderful little wilderness at the bottom of the garden.

These photos were taken by Mr Day during a Forest School Friday enrichment session with a group of Reception pupils, Mrs Funnell and Mrs Drew, shortly before the end of term.

The children pulled up their waterproof trousers and put on their wellie boots for an afternoon filled with creativity and adventure in the great outdoors. All sorts of ‘magic potions’ were stirred in the mud kitchen, log piles made the perfect ‘castles’ to climb, minibeast hunting led to the children befriending a beautiful ladybird, and den building saw them unleashing their rummaging and crafting skills.

In previous Forest School sessions held during the Lent Term, Reception pupils made some beautiful leaf crowns and constructed willow sticks, before decorating them with ribbons and beads.

Yes, the children get grubby and the odd stick or feather tangled in their hair, but they learn to manage risks, they explore the natural environment, they problem-solve, their imaginations run wild and, most importantly, they have fun!

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