Full name:

Chanré Bond

Where did you grow up?

Cape Town and Kimberley, South Africa.


Wynberg Girls Junior (Cape Town), Kimberley Junior & Northern Cape High (Kimberley) and North West University (Potchefstroom).

Your current role at King’s Ely and how long you have been a member of staff here:

I am Head of Girls’ Games and have been at King’s (and in the UK) since September 2005.

What do you enjoy most about working here?

A fantastic opportunity for me to live and work abroad, teaching and coaching kids of all ages. Watching the students grow in confidence as they try and then ultimately master skills they never thought possible is great to see. No two days are ever the same!

Hobbies/interests outside of school:

Playing any sport I can! I play Club Hockey for Cambridge City. I also love travelling, camping and trekking up mountains.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

I’ve always wanted to be involved with sport in some way or another.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Time travel!

What was the last book you read?

‘Courtney’s War’ by Wilbur Smith.

What song are you most likely to sing at a karaoke?

I absolutely dread singing in public!

What is your favourite film?

‘Out of Africa’ and ‘Cool Runnings’ are two of my favourites.

Do you have any phobias or fears?

I’m not so keen on heights.

Name three things you would want with you if stranded on a desert island for a week:

My dog, a pair of running shoes and an endless supply of Biltong & coke.

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