YEAR 13 leaver, Alexander Wall, has joined Cardiff University to study Biochemistry after achieving the A Level grades he needed this summer.

Alexander, in which year group did you join King’s Ely?

“I joined King’s Ely in Year 9, after leaving St Faith’s School in Cambridge.”

Which University/Institution are you going to and what will you be studying?

“I am currently at Cardiff University and I am studying BSc Biochemistry with a professional training year (sandwich year).”

What career path do you hope to pursue?

“I would like to get into the pharmaceutical industry, and hopefully find a job at Roche or Novartis in Basel, Switzerland.”

How do you think King’s Ely prepared you for University life?

“Boarding in Hereward Hall from part-way through Year 10 taught me to be far more organised and self-reliant. I was also able to get better at cooking during my time in Hereward, which is useful as I am living in a self-catered flat.”

What will you miss most about King’s Ely and what did you enjoy most during your time here?

“My favourite time at King’s was doing back-stage work with the Drama Department, especially for the production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Some of the things I will miss the most are the desserts served in the Old Palace Cafeteria and my hilarious Biology class!”

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