“Although the days are short and rather cold at the moment, the warmth being created by the children and the joy they have exhibited in being back with one another at school has been wonderful to see this week! We have been able to set forth into the new term in good heart and with a sense of real purpose. The next drama production is gaining momentum, sports teams are coming together, and the academic courses for this term have been introduced. There is much to eagerly anticipate over the course of the term and so, acting on our new year’s resolutions to achieve and challenge ourselves to reach new heights, seemed to be fitting aspirations for us to focus on for January.

“Clubs and activities will be well under way by this time next week and we look forward to seeing the variety of endeavours the children embrace this term. Tutors have revisited the King’s Challenge Award with the children and next steps are being taken close to achieving their bronze, silver or gold level awards. The range of co-curricular pursuits and the goals the children are setting themselves are spurring many on to aim higher and more broadly than they have previously – this is excellent to see and one of the purposes of the King’s Challenge Award. Thank you for all the support being offered by you at home.

“Our Entry Assessment and Year 8 Scholarship season is with us and so, over the course of the next few weeks, over sixty children will be coming to take tests and try to gain places here. Your children may be involved in hosting our guests and I am sure that they will do a fine job as they represent their school. There is certainly a packed schedule for this, the shortest term of the year, and so we look forward to seeing the children working hard to make the most of the opportunities ahead.

“With our best wishes for the weekend and the term.”

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