“WE were delighted to welcome parents again to school this week – this time for the Year 3 and 4 House Athletics event during a lovely sunny Thursday morning! It provided a taste of a more usual, community-focussed event, which was most welcome for us all. Despite these opportunities for us to share in the summer fun at school being necessarily limited by the restrictions in place this year, being together with you and the children has been a real tonic and we hope that for those of you able to attend the play last week, sports yesterday or sports next week, there will be a restorative impact also.

“As we head into the penultimate week of term, we are finalising plans for the Year 8 Summer Celebration BBQ, the two smaller scale Prizegiving Services and our end of year celebratory assemblies. The crescendo of activity and the culmination of this unique year’s work at school will certainly ensure that there is an appropriate sense of achievement for the children prior to the summer. With the more formal events requiring the children to be in smart uniform, please may we ask that you check the children have all they will need.

“Finally, on the subject of uniform, having been reminded this week, I can confirm that September sees the phasing in period for the new school games kit ending. All students will need the current games kit as from September please and we envisage returning to the children changing into kit at school from September onwards too. Consequently, the usual uniform and kit list will apply assuming that our changing regimes and usual pattern of sports resume for the next academic year.”

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