“WHEN the joyful hubbub and tireless energy of our children left our classrooms and corridors at the end of March, my sense of loss and fears over the impact on the children were very quickly replaced with more positive emotions.

“Distance learning has allowed a whole new group of children to shine as they go about their learning. Watching the children making videos, building and creating, cooking, experimenting, researching and innovating have become the new norms for us. As a Head, watching the flow and variety of work, clips, photos and live streamed events has been uplifting. None of us would have chosen to discover how flexible parents, teachers and children could be in this way but I am taking comfort from all the learning I see each day.

“It has been hugely challenging for all involved but the children will return to our school having achieved many wonderful things thanks to the shared efforts of home and school. I’m looking forward to celebrating with the children when I see them all again, however, my most pressing need is to hear and feel that joyful hubbub around the school again. When I sense that intoxicating atmosphere is restored I will know that childhood freedoms have been restored.”

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