KING’S Ely Sixth Form leaver, Kimberly Nweze, is off to Queen Mary University of London after achieving the A Level results she needed.

Kimberly, 17, achieved a B in Maths, a B in Chemistry and a B in Economics. Her chosen degree is Electronic Engineering.

Kimberly, who is from Nigeria, joined King’s Ely International in Year 11. She hopes to become an Engineer in her home country after graduating.

Speaking about her time at King’s, Kimberly said: “I was a boarding student throughout my time at King’s. It was an amazing experience that taught me a lot of new skills and it was a fantastic opportunity to make new friends from so many different backgrounds. I was also a School and Boarding House Prefect (Hill House). Being a Prefect taught me how to work in a team and it gave me a sense of responsibility which I think will really help me in the next stage of my life.

“King’s is a community – regardless of where you come from, everyone is always friendly and supportive. That is what I will miss most about King’s – the support and just knowing that whenever I needed it I could always find help. I made so many wonderful friends and memories.”

Kimberly says she felt well supported by her teachers during the lockdown periods too. She said: “At the start of the pandemic, when everyone had to go online, the teachers still made sure all of the materials were available and we were not falling behind. We all adapted together with Teams and OneNote. They were always so patient and organised.”

Congratulations Kimberly, good luck in London and keep in touch!

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