In their English lessons, our Year 6 pupils have been enjoying the charming Roald Dahl book, ‘Boy: Tales of Childhood’.

Exploring the chapter about the sweet shop (the lifeblood of Roald Dahl’s early childhood!), inspired the children to unleash their entrepreneurial sides, as they began to think about creating their own brands of sweets.

Olivia Petherick, who teaches English at King’s Ely Junior, said: “An arduous process was followed, which involved testing out lots of different sweets (this was particularly trying for all pupils concerned!) and describing them using their five senses. The children came up with new names, descriptions and pictures for their sweets. From ‘Gob Fizzers’ to ‘Squishy Sheep’, their imaginations ran wild!”

The children’s creations were judged by Head of King’s Ely Junior, Richard Whymark, and the winning entries were ‘Creamy Quenchers’ by Freya, and ‘Bottled Bliss’ by Lucas. Their prizes were, you guessed it…

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