Our Year 5 King’s Ely Prep pupils had an awesome, action-packed, laughter-filled time during their Residential Trip to Shropshire!

Sixty children and six members of staff spent three days exploring the beautiful and fascinating surroundings of Ironbridge – learning, playing, sightseeing, teambuilding, and making memories.

On the subject of memories, this was also our lovely Mrs Joanna Whymark’s last Residential Trip.

Mrs Whymark said: “Blists Hill Victorian Town welcomed us all dressed appropriately in full Victorian regalia! After exploring the heights of the steam-driven trade ships, hands were checked for cleanliness outside the schoolhouse, and we spun ourselves dizzy at the fairground. A quick trip to the Doctor’s House before floury cobs were devoured at the Bakery. Then it was off to the Post Office, Druggist, Photographer and Haberdasher, and of course, the Sweet Shop.

“Day 2 saw us exploring the Museum of Iron and completing our ‘Iron-Spy’ challenge followed by a fantastic hands-on experience in Enginuity, home of invention, pulleys and levers. Next, an exciting, buggy-making workshop using Science and Design Technology skills, culminating in competitive racing, where all were applauded for their team spirit and supportive attitude.

“Day 3 and we were off through the town to hear the history of the mighty Iron Bridge. A quick game of Pooh sticks from the top and we were off again along the clay railway line, before reaching our destination of the Jackfield Tile Museum. A brilliant talk from Jen about the making of tiles through the ages and then it was time to get creative!

“Year 5 are to be congratulated on their exemplary behaviour, which was commented on by many of the staff and members of the public during our trip. Huge thanks also go to the staff team of Mr Everest, Miss Chenery, Mrs Petherick, Miss Clayton and Mrs Lonnen, without whom my final Prep Residential would not have been possible, or half as much fun!”

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