Look at the superb ‘Galette des Rois’ that King’s Ely Junior pupil, Oscar, made at home!

Oscar, who is in Year 3, decided he wanted to make the traditional puff pastry cake, after learning some fun facts about Epiphany in school.

A ‘Galette des Rois’ – also known as ‘King Cake’ or ‘Three Kings Cake’ – is a cake associated in many countries with Epiphany.

Its form and ingredients are variable, but in most cases a fève, such as a figurine (often said to represent the Christ Child), is hidden inside. Once the cake is cut, whoever gets the fève wins a prize.

Oscar’s family enjoyed all of the traditions mentioned above, and it was his Dad who found the fève and was crowned ‘Le Roi’.

We love celebrating our pupils’ efforts and achievements both in and out of school – well done Oscar!

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