YEAR 13 leaver, Lottie Wilkinson, has joined the University of Bristol to study Veterinary Science after achieving the A Level grades she needed this summer.

Lottie, in which year group did you join King’s Ely?

“I joined King’s Ely Acremont Nursery in 2005 (I think!).”

Which University/Institution are you going to and what will you be studying?

“I’ve recently arrived at Bristol University and I’m studying Veterinary Science.”

What career path do you hope to pursue?

“Hopefully I’ll become a wild animal vet in another country, maybe Australia or somewhere in Africa.”

How do you think King’s Ely prepared you for University life?

“King’s offers many extra-curricular opportunities which give students responsibilities on top of their academic work. This helps when it comes to University life and learning how to be independent when moving out. Being a part of different groups and clubs also expands your horizons so when it comes to joining societies and groups you feel more confident in giving new activities a go.”

What will you miss most about King’s Ely and what did you enjoy most during your time here?

“I’ll miss the amazing people at King’s the most. I have met friends I know I’ll stay in touch with for the rest of our lives. Everyone at King’s is so kind and supportive and I’ll miss the incredible atmosphere there everyday.”

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