A cha-cha-cha dance masterclass organised by one of our Sixth Form students has raised £80 for ActionAid UK and its ‘Period Poverty’ campaign.

Around 30 students and staff members were put through their paces at the charity event, which was led by Inga Kuliabina, who is in Year 13. Inga is a boarding student in Hill House and Period Poverty is one of Hill House’s chosen charities this year.

Inga said: “It was really important for me that everyone not only learnt some cha-cha-cha dance moves, but that they also got a lot of positive emotions from the masterclass. I did not expect so many people to come along and I am very grateful for everyone’s support!”

ActionAid is an international charity which works with women and girls living in poverty. From supporting clubs which help girls learn about periods, to distributing menstrual products in emergencies, the charity is working hard to put an end to period poverty. For more information about the charity, visit: www.actionaid.org.uk

Well done Inga and thank you to everyone who supported her!

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