Full name:

Rebecca Mary Woodward

Where did you grow up?

Harpenden in Hertfordshire, although I was actually born in Rochdale.


Uppingham School and then Cambridge University.

Your current role at King’s Ely and how long you have been a member of staff here:

I am Housemistress of Choir House and a Teacher of Music in the Senior School. I have been here for almost 3 years. Next year I am looking forward to changing roles to become Housemistress of Etheldreda House.

What do you enjoy most about working here?

The students and the enthusiasm they have for almost everything they do. They inspire me to do what I am doing and above all they never fail to make me smile.

Hobbies/interests outside of school:

Travelling, sewing and if the weather is nice I love to go for a run.

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A musician.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To take away people’s worries.

What was the last book you read?

I’m part way through a book about the teenage brain!

What song are you most likely to sing at a karaoke?

I wouldn’t inflict that pain on anyone!

What is your favourite film?

It has got to be ‘The Sound of Music’.

Do you have any phobias or fears?

Swimming in the sea! There is something about fish being near my feet…

Name three things you would want with you if stranded on a desert island for a week:

My kindle, an endless supply of cocktails and my sunglasses. Can I also add some suncream otherwise I’d look like a lobster!

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