King’s Ely student, Ianthe, victorious in national ‘A Love for Classics’ competition

July 3, 2024

Congratulations to King’s Ely Senior student, Ianthe Wilding, for her fantastic achievement in the national Bloomsbury Publishing competition, ‘A...

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A shining example of creative learning at King’s Ely Prep!

June 29, 2024

In their English lessons with Mrs Mankellow, our Year 7 King’s Ely Prep pupils have been conducting a court...

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King’s Ely History Café commemorates 80th anniversary of D-Day

June 20, 2024

The 80th anniversary of the Normandy Landings was the theme of King’s Ely Senior’s latest History Café. Our History...

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King’s Ely students explore Cambridge’s Centre for Computing History

June 20, 2024

Our Year 10 GCSE Computer Science students enjoyed visiting the Centre for Computing History in Cambridge! Accompanied by Mr...

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STEM Enrichment Day for Year 6 King’s Ely Prep pupils!

May 16, 2024

Rollercoasters and horseracing were the themes of our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Day for Year 6 King’s...

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King’s Ely French Exchange programme goes from strength to strength

March 20, 2024

The first leg of our 2024 French Exchange was merveilleux from start to finish! Thirty-one Senior students and four...

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British Science Week celebrations at King’s Ely Senior and Sixth Form

March 18, 2024

If you think you saw an alien or a NASA Scientist on school grounds last week, your eyes were...

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Computer Science students head to The National Museum of Computing

March 1, 2024

A group of our Year 12 Computer Science students were in their element exploring The National Museum of Computing...

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King’s Ely’s second annual ‘Year 9 Classics Parrhesia’ competition

February 5, 2024

We were delighted to welcome Dr Sonya Nevin from the University of Cambridge into school to judge our ‘Year...

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Sixth Form Historians in their element exploring two London museums

January 17, 2024

Our A-Level Historians enjoyed an educational trip to London to complement their current medieval studies. Thirty-eight students visited the...

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