“Without fail each year, this first week in March can be relied upon to demonstrate the very best of our Acremont spirit – and this year did not disappoint! The King’s Ely Festival of Reading highlights creativity, a passion for reading and illustration, a zest for dressing up and, importantly, having fun together… All in all, a great recipe for an engaging and memorable week. World Book Day on Thursday began with such a wonderful range of characters arriving at car gate! I welcomed Alice, Mary Poppins, the Gruffalo, Harry Potter, and even Dolly Parton! The big reveal is always great fun and the parade that followed was a very jolly affair as Nursery children through to Teachers waggled tails, conjured with wands, and waved their swords in delight, as their audience clapped with their appreciation. As I write, the author John Lacey is with Year 1 in a writer’s workshop, and Year 6 pupils have arrived and are reading with classes. A truly wonderful week here at Acremont!

“We brace ourselves for the arrival of the eggs next week, and the amazing cycle of nature that is the incubation, hatching, and development of chicks. The fascinating science of this fragile process absolutely captured our attentions last year and fired up the children’s research, learning, and recording. We look forward to sharing updates and possibly even hatchling news next week. I would also like to update you on staff news. We will say goodbye to our Teaching Assistant and Wrap Around Care Supervisor, Kelly Littlechild-Ryan, at the end of this term. Kelly has made a wonderful contribution to the Reception Team over the years she has been with us at Acremont, and we wish her much happiness as she moves on to her next project. Recruitment to appoint a new Teaching Assistant will take place over the next few weeks and I will share news of the successful candidate as soon as I am able.

“With my best wishes for a restful weekend.”

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