“In typical Acremont fashion, this half term has concluded with an energetic, happy, and positive flourish! Drenched in winter sunshine, Acremont children and staff hosted our annual Book Share event on Thursday, and it was an absolute pleasure to open wide the front doors and welcome so many of our parent community to this event. Acremont was heaving with so many proud families, excited children, and supportive staff. The hallway, landings, and stairs were bustling thoroughfares, as siblings guided parents to each other’s classes and families admired the colourful displays on each of the floors. We all love to receive praise for a job well done; it validates real effort, motivates, and encourages, and so when children are given the opportunity to explain their learning, reveal super art work or creative writing, and point out the stickers or praise they have received, it is a wonderful and well deserved moment to watch them positively glowing with pride and pleasure.

“Today, we joined the older sections of King’s Ely at Ely Cathedral for our Mid-Term Service. It is a long-standing tradition that each section ‘hosts’ a service during the year, and for the last few years now, Acremont has been pleased to host during the Lent Term. The usual procession of school leaders was replaced by our Acremont School Councillors and House Captains, Acremont children led the prayers and readings, and this year all our pupils sang ‘Love the Lord Your God’ to the congregation. The theme is often about love at this time of year as Valentine’s Day approaches, and so we decided to extend this sentiment in a time of so much need, to ‘Love thy Neighbour’. We were very grateful to Stephen Greenish for updating us on work at the Ely Foodbank, which is our chosen charity this year. The service was aptly concluded with the hymn ‘When I needed a Neighbour’. Thank you to our Acremont parents who supported us from within the congregation.

“We wish you all a very happy and restful half term holiday.”

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