“THE focus of this morning’s Cathedral Service, led by the boys of Hereward, was the importance of taking the opportunities that life presents. Their service supported the message we have been conveying since the start of term. In assemblies, we have highlighted the plight of the girls in Afghanistan who have been banned from attending school for the last year. The British press recently reported that a small group of teenage Afghan girls, attending clandestine classes in Kabul, had written a heart-breaking letter, begging people not to forget their plight.

“This clearly contrasts with the opportunities that our pupils are afforded and a drive this term is to ensure all pupils take the opportunities on offer, be it attending a Round Table Lecture to getting involved in a club or sports team. Many pupils are fantastic at taking their opportunities, but our goal is for every pupil to be fully involved in both the co-curricular and academic life of the school. To support this, I am delighted that Hayley Mortimer has been appointed to the new post of Deputy Head (Co-curricular). She will lead improvements in our offering and is always keen to hear from parents: hayleymortimer@kingsely.org

“With my best wishes for the weekend.”

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