“This summer, following the death of the journalist and BBC news presenter, George Alagiah, I was struck by his powerful legacy and how highly he was regarded by his colleagues in the BBC: ‘He was thoroughly decent, unfailing, kind-hearted and he was always so, so generous”. His legacy, the impact that he made on others, was entirely positive. One colleague described him as “simply a wonderful human being.”

“In our Cathedral Service this morning, I asked everyone to pause and reflect on the legacy we wish to create each day, next week, and over the year ahead. Every day, we build our legacy through how we conduct ourselves, how we treat others, and how we speak to one another. Both inside and outside of the classroom, we make an impression.

“Sport affords a plethora of opportunities to develop and demonstrate character, and so it was excellent to welcome Northlands School, from Argentina, for swimming, rugby, and hockey fixtures this week. It was a privilege to host them and to enjoy our first competitive matches of the term. Thank you to all those parents and pupils who came to offer their support; it was wonderful to have so many watching.”

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