“We began the week with warm, welcoming greetings after our half term holiday and we speedily became engrossed in what proved to be a very busy week. The art of a successful second half of the Michaelmas Term is planning! With a large number of events and the imminent arrival of a special visitor from the North Pole, this half term spins quickly on its axis and as the children know, to this teacher, it is the best half term of them all!

“During our Monday assembly, we were treated to our Key Stage One Teachers as they revealed the enrichment topics for this year and the children were then able to vote on the order they would like to learn about these themes. Mrs Johnson presented ‘Float, Fly and Reach for the Sky’ which is an engineering topic; Mrs Monk discussed her plans for ‘Take One Picture’ which has a History of Art feel to it and is linked to an initiative at The National Gallery. Miss Seymour discussed her theme of ‘Unity’ which links in with a larger whole school conversation, and through creativity and conversation, she will explore diversity and inclusion. Finally, Mr Dean presented ‘The Street beneath our Feet’ where children will discover layers of subterranean history through archaeology and fossil investigation. There was silence in the Hall as the children concentrated on making their selections and today, in mixed classes, both inside and outdoors, this broadening and expanding collaborative learning began!

“You may have already read about the construction of our new outdoor playhouse, the Hobbit Hut, on our social media platforms. We are thrilled to continue the development of our back garden, and from the sedum roof to the cob and coloured glass detail, the Hobbit Hut has already inspired much creative play and conversation.

“For me, this first week back was gloriously interrupted by a visit to the Tower of London yesterday with our Year 2 children and staff. Any school trip can be memorable, but early starts, a coach with a DVD on it, a photo with a Beefeater, and a glimpse at the Crown Jewels really adds a shine! Thank you, children, for a wonderful time exploring, listening, learning, and even acting out a drama on The Green by the White Tower! I would like to say that we brought back a coach of sleepy children, however that was one thing we did not quite accomplish!

“Our thoughts on Remembrance have concluded today with a short Act of Remembrance in the garden. I would like to extend my thanks to Ted Tregoing, a pupil at King’s Ely Junior, who played the Last Post and Reveille so movingly for us. The sound of a single trumpet certainly focused our thoughts during the two-minute silence. Nursery and Pre-Prep children then laid wreaths made from their collective poppy making throughout the week. Thank you very much for making such generous donations; it is most appreciated.

“With my best wishes to you and your family this weekend.”

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