“THIS week, King’s Ely Acremont opened its doors to our Nursery 2, Reception and Year 1 children. We await the return of Nursery 1 on June 8th and we do not forget our Year 2 children, who are working hard at home as they continue with their remote learning.

“We focus strongly on four key learning habits as the children progress through Acremont: resilience, collaboration, creativity and reflective learning. It has been extremely heartening to see that our children have made use of these characteristics as they have returned to school. We were greeted with bright smiles and eager faces as children barely remembered to say goodbye to parents when they jumped out of cars and into school. Unfazed by small changes, the children remembered routines and quickly grew accustomed to new ones.

“Our timetable now includes copious amounts of hand washing and one-way routes to the garden, temperature taking and enjoying our very own pencil case! We have also revelled in the business of learning, once more. Experiments, watercolour brushwork, discussion and role play have lifted the spirits and energy of our house as the quietness of the past weeks is shrugged off and our lively and vibrant pace of life returns.

“Our week concluded by holding our first assembly together. Whilst staying in our bubbles, we celebrated the week’s successes through the new normal of Teams video which proved that with a little creativity, much that was, can still be.”

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