From the high peaks of the Andes and Himalayas to the gushing torrents of the rivers in the Alps, the Ely Scheme offers boundless opportunities for pupils to explore and learn through outdoor education. A comprehensive and progressive programme of outdoor activities run throughout Year 9 is the lead-in to greater adventures on the rock face, rivers and mountains.

Outdoor education at King’s Ely offers pupils the chance to learn self-reliance, teamwork, creative thinking and a determined attitude to all tasks in life. Our unique programme is facilitated by specially selected and trained pupil instructors who deliver our activities and learn to become exceptional leaders.

From guiding King’s Ely pupils up mountain rock faces in Wales and Spain and scrambling over the rocky spires of the Cuillin Ridge and Corsican High Level Route to running them down rapids in the French Alps, the clubs and trips are run by highly technical staff who were all once pupil instructors at King’s Ely. All of our trips and expeditions are run from within the Ely Scheme so that each individual’s abilities and skill can be monitored carefully to guarantee a tailored programme of independent learning on their journey through our progressive rock climbing, kayaking or mountaineering clubs.

The school also offers pupils the chance to undertake their Duke of Edinburgh Award at all three levels, and all of our clubs are run in line with national schemes, giving pupils a strong position to go forward for their National Governing Bodies (NGB) Leadership Awards.